Friday, December 16, 2011

AP Biology Class (Odd Block) Celebrates College Acceptances

C. Barth and R. James made custom cupcakes to celebrate their classmates acceptance into college. Each cupcake had the initial of the college.

Friday, December 2, 2011

AP Biology Students' Bioenergetics Projects

Student prepared posters and PowerPoint presentations examining the metabolic pathways of respiration and photosynthesis.

B. Holland

Ja. Harrison

Jo. Harrison

D. Mooney

G. Connors

M. Rizzo

H. Goldberg

D. Jackson

T. Grantham

B. Forst

A. Austi

Austi Anaerobic vs Aerobic Respiration

C. Barth


L. Berger

Berger Krebs Cycle

J. Dennen

 Dennen CAM Pathways

W. Dougherty

Dougherty Second Quarter Project

M. Ebrahim

Ebrahim metabolicpathways

T. Ennis

Ennis Evolution of Metabolic Pathways

J. Faselt


T. Hudson

Hudson CAM Plants Project_2

R. James

James AP Bio Respiration vs Photosynthesis

J. Keating

Keating Mitochondria

A. Lemberger

Lemberger Anaerobic vs 1

G. Lilly

Lilly Cyclic vs Noncyclic

A. Moran

Moran Evolution of Metabolic Pathways

M. O'Toole

O'Toole glycolysis

I. Palfrey

Palfrey Comparison of Respiration and Photosynthesis

A. Pass

Pass Photosynthesis vs Respiration

A. Pepe

A. Pepe Photosynthesis v Respiration

B. Walsh

Walsh C4 PLants Apbioc4cycle

A. Weiden

Weiden Krebs Cycle