Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Core Chem Students Present Their Element Projects

The Core Chemistry class were randomly assigned different elements to research for the Term Project.

A. Austi -  Nickel Poster

A. Plaza -  Strontium Google Slide Presentation

A. Tarry - Vanadium Google Slide Presentation

C. Kraemer - Cadmium Poster Presentation
G. Randall - Californium Prezi Presentation
J. McSherry - Copper Google Slides Presentation
L. Raviol - Indium Poster Presentation
M. Buendia - Sodium Google Slide Presentation
M. Miller - Samarium Poster Presentation
N. Mitsui - Hydrogen Google Slide Presentation
R. Hoffman - Iron Google Slide Presentation
R. Schetlick - Potassium Google Slide Presentation
T. Baxter - Dubnium Google Slide Presentation
W. Ramundo - Hafnium Prezi Presentation

B. Sperber - Protactinium Google Slides Presentation
E. Connors - Barium Google Slide Presentation
F. Fraser - Gold Google Slides Presentation
F. Kerj - Calcium Term Paper
H. Colvin - Seaborgium Google Slide Presentation
L. Holland - Darmstadtium Prezi Presentation
O. Scotti - Arsenic Prezi Presentation
P. Layton - Terbium Poster Presentation

C. Kirby - Phosphorus YouTube Video

A. Barker - Gallium Web Site

B. Faulstich - Berkelium Google Slides Presentation

K. Ravesloot - Plutonium Poster Presentation

D. Maldonado - Platinum Poster Presentation
F. Ribka - Osmium Poster Presentation
H. Barr - Tantalum
K. Ravesloot- Plutonium Poster Presentation
K. Taylor - Germanium Google Sheets Presentation
L. Bishop - Scandium Google Sheets Presentation
L. Gretzinger - Promethium Poster Presentation
L. Monahan - Beryllium Poster Presentation
N. O'Brien - Eisteinium Google Slides Presentation

R. Gandara - Chromium Prezi Presentation

S. Abukhadra - Lead Google Slides Presentation
D. Judkins - Thorium Poster Presentation

D. Portner - Palladium Power Point Presentation

I. Lamadrid - Radon Google Sheets Presentation

J. Marshall - Chlorine Poster Presentation

K. Hendricks - Carbon Powerpoint Presentation

M. Richards - Xenon Prezi Presentation

M. Sears - Lithium Powerpoint Presentation

N. Torres - Argon Poster Presentation

S. Curran - Helium Poster Presentation

S. Pettee - Titanium Prezi Presentation

W. Bogartyrenko - Oxygen Poster Presentation