Monday, April 11, 2016

Forensics Students Begin Blood Spatter Investigation

The forensic classes have just begun on of their longer investigations. They will be learning all about blood spatter. They began this unit by watching the NOVA Program "Killer's Trail", which examines the famous Dr. Sam Sheppard murder case, which was the inspiration for the "Fugitive" television series and movie.

Today the classes began to exam how the size and shapes of blood drops change with the height from which the blood drop fell and the angle at which the blood hit the surface.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Forensics Students Study Fingerprints

In the course of their study of how fingerprints have been used as a form of identification, the forensics students have completed three investigations.

In the first investigation they learned how to identify the three classes of fingerprints, whorls, loops and arches. They were also asked to become proficient in identifying the subgroups of each of these main categories.

In the second investigation, the students completed their out "ten print cards" and examined them for the major fingerprint types in their own cards.

In the third investigation, they used the Henry Classification system to identify their own and their partner's ten print card. They were each then asked to leave a "latent" print on a microscope slide. They were then give an "unknown" classmate's latent print (on the aforementioned microscope slide). They then had to develop the print using carbon powder, lift the print using "hinge lifter" finally identifying from their classmates ten-print cards, whose print they were given.

In this last investigation, they were also asked to compare a "found print" to the cards of three suspects in their ongoing criminal case.