Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Core Chem Students Present Their Element Projects

The Core Chemistry class were randomly assigned different elements to research for the Term Project.

A. Austi -  Nickel Poster

A. Plaza -  Strontium Google Slide Presentation

A. Tarry - Vanadium Google Slide Presentation

C. Kraemer - Cadmium Poster Presentation
G. Randall - Californium Prezi Presentation
J. McSherry - Copper Google Slides Presentation
L. Raviol - Indium Poster Presentation
M. Buendia - Sodium Google Slide Presentation
M. Miller - Samarium Poster Presentation
N. Mitsui - Hydrogen Google Slide Presentation
R. Hoffman - Iron Google Slide Presentation
R. Schetlick - Potassium Google Slide Presentation
T. Baxter - Dubnium Google Slide Presentation
W. Ramundo - Hafnium Prezi Presentation

B. Sperber - Protactinium Google Slides Presentation
E. Connors - Barium Google Slide Presentation
F. Fraser - Gold Google Slides Presentation
F. Kerj - Calcium Term Paper
H. Colvin - Seaborgium Google Slide Presentation
L. Holland - Darmstadtium Prezi Presentation
O. Scotti - Arsenic Prezi Presentation
P. Layton - Terbium Poster Presentation

C. Kirby - Phosphorus YouTube Video

A. Barker - Gallium Web Site

B. Faulstich - Berkelium Google Slides Presentation

K. Ravesloot - Plutonium Poster Presentation

D. Maldonado - Platinum Poster Presentation
F. Ribka - Osmium Poster Presentation
H. Barr - Tantalum
K. Ravesloot- Plutonium Poster Presentation
K. Taylor - Germanium Google Sheets Presentation
L. Bishop - Scandium Google Sheets Presentation
L. Gretzinger - Promethium Poster Presentation
L. Monahan - Beryllium Poster Presentation
N. O'Brien - Eisteinium Google Slides Presentation

R. Gandara - Chromium Prezi Presentation

S. Abukhadra - Lead Google Slides Presentation
D. Judkins - Thorium Poster Presentation

D. Portner - Palladium Power Point Presentation

I. Lamadrid - Radon Google Sheets Presentation

J. Marshall - Chlorine Poster Presentation

K. Hendricks - Carbon Powerpoint Presentation

M. Richards - Xenon Prezi Presentation

M. Sears - Lithium Powerpoint Presentation

N. Torres - Argon Poster Presentation

S. Curran - Helium Poster Presentation

S. Pettee - Titanium Prezi Presentation

W. Bogartyrenko - Oxygen Poster Presentation

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Core Chem Students Use Models to Examine VSEPR Theory

Core Chemistry students build molecular models to get a hands on understanding of how VSEPR influences the shape of chemical substances in three dimensions.

Drew and Thomas contemplate the structure of the methane molecule a.k.a. carbon tetrahydride.

John and Sean contemplate the structures of the water (dihydrogen oxide) and hydrogen molecules.

Spencer enters the Lewis Dot Diagram for the hydrogen molecule with Richard consulting.

Drew and Thomas move on to the nest molecule having successfully completed the methane molecule.