Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Environmental Science Climate Presentations

The environmental science class began their global warming unit of study by preparing and sharing displays describing the six major factors that contribute to climate. Pairs of student were each assigned a topic to prepare. The remaining students of the class then rotated through each station to learn about the factors.

Atmosphere Display

Coriolis Effect Display

Carbon Cycle Display

Green House Effect Display

Ocean Currents Display

Solar Radiation Display

Ethan explains how the Coriolis effect contributes to the climate of a particular region.

Alex uses her presentation to explain how the Carbon Cycle contributes to climate.

Asil clarifies the Green House Effect to his classmates.

Claire describes and explains the various layers the compose the atmosphere and how they affect climate.

Paul explains how climate is affected by solar radiation and the tilt of Earth's axis.

Students take notes as Sally explains how Ocean Currents affect climate.

Erin joins Ethan in debunking some common myths about the Coriolis Effect.

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