Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Cryptid Creature Project Prototypes

Earlier in the year in the beginning of September after completing the Ecology unit over the summer, AP Biology students were asked to research a cryptid  (imaginary/mythical) organism and prepare a Pokeman-like card that described and classified the organism based on the biome in which it would have lived, the niche it would fit within that biome, its place in the food chain etc. These are links to the prototypes they prepared and discussed in class. In our last class meeting before the Thanksgiving recess, the students will be presenting and explaining their final cards.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Core Biology Students' Bronx River Argumentative Essays

Using a Bronx River Research Google site created by Mrs. Bastone, Core Biology students in Mr. Ippolito's class were asked  to write an argumentative essay related to the research data that has been collected to date. This assignment was an extension of their researching the macroinvertebrates they might find when they examined the leaf packs placed in the river.  Once again these are the raw submissions students submitted, they have not been edited or corrected for this post.

L Abbott Essay
T Bender Essay
J Burstein Essay
L Cruikshank Essay 
J Curran Essay
E Donohue Essay
Z Flangos Essay
A Gaston Essay 
S Huss Essay
K Ircha Essay 
F Jones Essay 
Q Madden Essay
S. Mitchell Essay 
C Mooney Essay
A New Essay
E Parson Essay 
T Purdy Essay
M Pytosh Essay
M Rizzo Essay
B Sands Essay 
A Saralegui Essay 
N Semenyuk Essay
S Sulimirski Essay
S Sullivan Essay  
S Whitney Essay

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Core Biology Students Model the Fluid Mosaic Cell Membrane Theory

Core Biology students, while studying the structure and function of cells, used common materials to build models of the cell/plasma membrane to help deepen their understanding of this import cell component.