Thursday, March 1, 2018

AP Biology Students' Genetic Disorder Projects

One of the suggested AP Biology labs involved producing a mathematical model of the Hardy Weinberg principle, also known as the HardyWeinberg equilibrium, model, theorem, or law, states that allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of other evolutionary influences. 

The students produce a spreadsheet to follow the phenotype and gene frequencies that result when Hardy and Weinberg's equilibrium is held constant because their conditions are being met. (Large population, no natural selection, no mutations, no emigration/immigration, mating is random.) 

In past years, student have been asked to violate one of those condition to see how it causes the model to change. This year, I asked them to research an actual genetic disease and alter the standard equation's parameters to see how modern medical practices or natural selection would affect the gene frequencies in theirr models.

Sarah G. examined Werner Syndrome. Model.

Mairead C. examined Bipolar Disorder.

Amanda S. examined Blue/Yellow Colorblindness. Model.

Olivia S. Examined Red/Green Color Blindness.

Susie G. examined Aniridia. Model.

Nathan R. examined Alexander Disease. Model.

Isabella D. examined Diabetes.

Kirsten I. examined Sickle Cell Anemia by designing a Informational Brochure that might be distrbuted to patients in a doctor's office. Model without medical intervention. Model with medical intervention.

Julia P. examined Anencephaly.

Robert S. examined Schizophrenia.

Jack K. created a website examining Tyrosinemia. Model.

Hannah B. created a brochure describing Hemochromatosis.

Ava A. examined Huntington's Disease.

Rachael P. Examined Acute Porphyria.

Peter B. examined Prognathism.

Clio D. examined Alzheimer's Disease.

Charles G. examined Glaucoma.

Mia G. Examined Muscular Dystrophy.

Andrew H. examined Cystinosis.

Peyton K. examined Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.

Alex N. examined Hemophilia.

Cory R. examined Werner Syndrome.

Luke R. examined Usher's Syndrome.

Isabel S. examined Cystic Fibrosis.

Abigail T. examined Menkes Disease.

Nina V. examined Familial Dysautonomia.

David W. examined Treacher Collins Syndrome.

TCS by Charles Ippolito on Scribd

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