Saturday, December 1, 2012

AP Biology Class Cell Energetics Projects

The AP Biology students were given the task to explain/describe various metabolic pathways associated with the metabolic pathways of respiration and photosynthesis. These are their "unedited" presentations.

C. Adamiyatt's Chemiosmosis and ATP Synthetase Presentation

Adamiyatt Cyrus 11100419 Chemiosmosis and ATP Synthase

B. Bonfiglio's Comparison of Photosynthesis and Respiration

Bonfiglio_Brooke_11100436_Brooke Cellular Respiration vs Photosynthesis

D. Borcich's Cellular Respiration Presentation

Borcich_Declan_11100310_ap Bio Quarter Two Project

E. Choi's Oxidative Phosphorylation and Electron Transport Presentation

Choi Gee-Young 101069 Oxidative Phosphorylation &.Electron Transport

A. Chrappa's Glycolysis Presentaions

Chrappa Argentina 11100324 Glycolysis Project

P. DeJoy's Glycolysis Presentation

DeJoy Peter 11100450 Glycolysis Powerpoint

G. Elbert's Evolution of Metabolic Pathways

Elbert_Gina_11100343_The Evolution of Metabolic Pathways

A. Jones' Comparison of Photosynthesis and Respiration

Jones_Andrew_11100364_Andrew Jones Comparing and Contrasting Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration

M. Laurence's Presentation on Electron Transport and Oxidation Phosphorylation

Laurence Malika 101165 Oxidation

H. Lilly's Krebs Cycle Presentation

H Lilly Krebs Cycle
E. McGough's Presentation Comparing Photosystems

McGough Elizabeth 11100379 Photosystem I vs II

G. O'Toole's Presentation of  Krebs' Cycle

OToole Krebs Cycle

S. Past's Presentation on Chloroplasts

Past Samantha 11100388 AP Bio Project 2

A. Petnuch's Presentation on Chloroplasts

Petnuch Alexis 300526 Chloroplasts

N. Petnuch's Presentation of Plant Pigments and Photosystems

Petnuch Nicolette 300527 Pigments and Photosystems

N. Soroori-Motlagh Comparison of Anaerobic and Aerobic Respiration

Soroori-Motlagh Nastaran 200705 Cell Energetics Project Final

N. Weirens Comparison of Anaerobic and Aerobic Respiration

Weirens Naomi 11100536 Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Respiration

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Environment Science Invasive Species Project

The Environmental Science class were given the following assignment during their examination of the impact of invasive species on the environment. Invasive Species WANTED Poster Assignment
The students worked in groups and produced the following products. These have not been edited or altered.

J. Lugo and S. Morrison reported on the Asian Long-horned Beetle.

 Lugo Jocelyn 11100489 ALB                                                                                                   
Morrison Samantha 100993 Environ
C. McGonigle reported on the Chinese Mystery Snail.

McGonigle Claire 200696 Chinese Mystery Snail                                                                                                   

N. Proios, A. Kahn and J. Moustakas reported on the Snakehead fish.

Proios Nicholas 11100515 Snakehead Fish (Channa Micropeltes)                                                                                                   

A. Rodriguez examined the yellow iris.

Rodriguez Alisandra 300399 Envrm

H. Szor and A. McFayden studied the round goby. Szor Henry 300386 Round Goby A. Adrian, E. Blauner, D. Rotchford and J. Grass created a poster and summary about the Asian Swamp Eel. Adrian Alexandra 11100420 Asian Swamp Eel-2 C. Hagen created a poster and summary about the European starling. Hagen Christopher 11100356 Project S. Heintz researched the zebra mussels Heintz Sarah 11100469 Zebra Mussel

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Labquest2 Probes in Fermentation Lab

The Core Biology courses have been studying the production of carbon dioxide by yeast during fermentation. In this class, the students used the Labquest2 and carbon dioxide probes to gather data on the amount of carbon dioxide produced (ppm) over time. They are comparing the results for four different sugars (maltose, glucose, sucrose, and lactose). The Labquest2 enabled to student to capture and share the data as it was being collected via their mobile devices.

These devices were purchased thanks to a very generous grant from the Bronxville School Foundation.

Fermentation Lab Set-up consists of the Labquest2 Tablet which collects data from a carbon dioxide probe (measures ppm) in a flask with 5 ml of yeast suspension and 5ml of a sugar solution.
Brendan's cell phone is receiving the data in real time from the Labquest2 tablet.

Briana sets the parameters for data collection on the Labquest2 while Peyton checks her technique.

Mary Clare and Peyton enter the information used to identify the particular data of this run of the experiment before they print out the graph and data table produced.

Ryan gives the whole process a "thumbs up" as his lab partners Chris, Yanni and Ralph concur.

Vivian semms quite relaxed knowing she has properly configured her group's Labquest2 to collect their data.

Environmental Science Class Discuss "Cradle to Cradle Design"

The Environmental Science class completed their research into global citizenry and "Cradle to Cradle Design" with a Socratic Seminar in which class members discussed what they had learned and what they felt they could do moving forward about intelligent design and its relationship to "hybrid" recycling of materials within the Biological Cycle and the Technological Cycle.

James, Henry, and Jill are listening intently to the discussion as Jocy jots down a thought that has just occurred to her.

Alex, Willow and Samantha are busy preparing for the seminar.

Claire, Emily and Meredith are listening carefully to the points being presented.

Liam makes a cogent point about how the "plastic" gyre in the oceans are impinging on the quality of life.

Paul makes his point as Kyle and Luke ponder what Paul is saying.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

APES Students Transect Mark and Recapture Activity

Transect Marking is a process rather clearly defined in the following entry from Wkipedia:

     "A transect is a path along which one records and counts occurrences of the phenomena of study (e.g. plants).  It requires an observer to move along a fixed path and to count occurrences along the path and, at the same time, obtain the distance of the object from the path. This results in an estimate of the area covered and an estimate of the way in which detectability increases from probability 0 (far from the path) towards 1 (near the path). Using the raw count and this probability function, one can arrive at an estimate of the actual density of objects. The estimation of the abundance of populations (such as terrestrial mammal species) can be achieved using a number of different types of transect methods, such as strip transects, line transects, belt transects, point transects[1] and curved line transects.[2] "

In Dr. DiTulio's class the students had gathered plant population data from transects around the school campus. These pictures show them compiling their data onto maps of the areas they examined.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Probeware Technology Incorporated into High School Laboratories

     Thanks to a generous grant from the Bronxville Foundation, the high school science labs will be introducing new probeware technology into the classroom. Each lab table will now be equipped with a Labquest2 Probeware Tablet. The table interfaces with data collection probes, stores lab protocols for students to follow during the gathering of data, collects data in both tabular/graphical formats, enables statistical analysis of the data collected, allows students to take and save notes, and most importantly being WiFi equipped, the tablets can transmit all the data as it is collected in real time to each student's mobile device (IPads, IPods, Laptops, Android devices) when equipped with the proper APP. Completed experimental data maybe collected using a USB thumb drive, it can also be sent to each student's e-mail address for analysis on their home computer.

     The following is a promotional video describing the system from Vernier:

     The grant has enabled the department to equip each science discipline's lab with probes that can carryout basic investigations (for use in Core Bio, Core Chem, Core Earth Science and Core Physics courses) and advanced inquiry investigations that align with AP and IB curricula (for use in the Honors Biology II, Honors Chem II, Honors Earth Science II, Honors Physics II, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, and AP Physics courses). This system will allow our teachers to adapt included labs/customize included labs/create new labs /and upload the lab protocols to the tablets using a Lab Creator and Lab Organizer Programs/Websites provided by Vernier.

     The system is completely portable, so students will be able to take the tablets and probes into the field to collect data for analysis. The following is a list of probes that will be available as classroom sets (one for each lab table, tablet). One set of probes will be assigned to each of the six high school classrooms.

Biology Probes - Temperature Probe, Hand Grip Heart Rate Monitor, Gas Pressure Sensor, CO2 Sensor

Inquiry Biology Probes - Temperature Probe, Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor, Gas Pressure Sensor, CO2 Sensor, Spectrovis Plus Sensor

Chem Probes - Temperature Probe, pH Sensor, Gas Pressure Sensor, Voltage Probe

Inquiry Chem Probes - Temperature Probe, pH Sensor, Gas Pressure Sensor

Earth Science Probes - Temperature Probe, Light Sensor, pH Sensor, UVB Sensor

Physics Probes - Motion Detectors, Dual-Range Force Detectors, Microphone, Differential Voltage      Probe, Photogates, Rotary Motion Sensors.

The Bronxville Daily Voice ran an article about the grant: Bronxville HS Grant for New Technology

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Third Annual Bronxville Science Research Fair/Exposition

Duncan C. presented his research on protein dietary supplements on earthworm

Elizabeth M. discussing her work on the effects of olfactory and auditory stimuli on the operant conditioning (learning) in Drosophilia

Jacqueline F. discussed her research into SODIS techniques use in water purification.

Jak M. explains the results of his investigation of the effects of meditation on the well being of high school students.

James F. describes his hypothesis regarding pre-cellular fatty acid vesicles.

Kyle S. describes his investigation into relative and absolute wealth on individual's decision making.

Elizabeth C. discusses her work comparing sibling and non-sibling hand writing.

Malika L. describes her research into HIV in Guatemala.

Aurora W. describes her work on the effects of treatments on first responders experiencing reduced respiratory function after 9/11.

Tepi E. discussed her  comparison of neuroplasticity in visually impaired individuals with sighted individuals

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Science Research Students Attend WESROC JSHS

E. McGough, A. Weiden, E. Cory, M. Laurence and J. Magaud

Science Research sophomores visit the Westchester Rockland Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at John Jay High School, Cross River.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bronxville Student to Represent County in National Brain Bee Contest

      Tepi Ennis snared first place in the local Brain Bee Contest held at the Burke Rehabilitation Center in White Plains. The Brain Bee is a trivia quiz competition which tests the participants knowledge of the nervous system.

     Tepi will represent the county in March in the US Finals to be held in Baltimore.